Chapter 18: A Hundredfold Repayment!

"I am Lin Bai!"

Zhao Rong was taken aback, then glared at Lin Bai with murderous intent: "So you are Lin Bai, return my son's life!"

Zhao Rong tugged, pulling Tiehai Tang off Leize.

As Tiehai Tang fell to the ground, she strained to lift her head, gazing at the man she yearned for day and night: "Lin Bai, hurry and run, just run away!!"

"Hai Tang, don't be afraid as long as I'm here!"

Lin Bai said calmly. When he looked at Zhao Rong, the murderous intent in his eyes was like fierce flames aiming to destroy the Nine Heavens!

Lin Bai saw two distinct handprints on Tiehai Tang's cheeks. These were certainly not from a single slap, they were unmistakably the marks of hundreds of slaps!!

"Villain, you dare to be arrogant after killing my beloved son! Today I will take your life to sacrifice for my son!" Zhao Rong roared out in rage and charged at Lin Bai, totally disregarding Tiehai Tang!


A billowing black fog spread from Zhao Rong's body, making a strange "hissing" sound when it touched the air.


Lin Bai quickly made defensive hand seals to protect himself.

From the technique Zhao Rong used, it should be a poison master's skill. So, the poisonous techniques that Qin Xiang practiced must have been learned from Zhao Rong.

However, Qin Xiang was lustful and did not focus on training, so he only learned a fraction of Zhao Rong's skills and didn't really learn the craft.

Zhao Rong was different. As soon as she made a move, Lin Bai instantly felt a tremor throughout his body, causing his scalp to tingle.


Zhao Rong let out a sharp cry, launching a vicious palm strike from within the black fog, aiming it at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai skillfully dodged.

"I will catch you and throw you into the Poisonous Insect Cage. I'll have poisonous insects bite you for ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years. You will endure all the pain in the world, not able to live nor die!" Zhao Rong roared with anger.

"I'm afraid you still have a long way to go!"

"One Sword Blood Spurt!"

Lin Bai counterattacked with a sword strike.

"A Yellow Level Ninth Grade martial skill, you dare to embarrass yourself!" Zhao Rong sneered: "Watch mine, the Five Poisons Immortal Palm!"

When the Five Poisons Immortal Palm was released, the black wind howled furiously. A wave of black Gang Wind charged at Lin Bai. The wind carried a terrifying poison. Even a small touch was enough to kill Lin Bai ten times over!

"River of Blood!"

"Blood Rain!"

"Cold-blooded Sword Strike!"

He swung three consecutive sword strikes, shattering the Gang Wind!

"Humph, you think that's it? Five Poisons Immortal Palm, Fifth Form, Devouring Heaven!"


A force that made Lin Bai's heart palpitate radiated from Zhao Rong's palm!

"Thunder God Sword!"

With no other choice, Lin Bai immediately used the Thunder God Sword.

"Ha, a sword skill modified from the Thunder God Fist, you're a bit of a prodigy, kid. Too bad you ran into me!" Zhao Rong laughed coldly. Her onslaught continued unabated.

"Do you know where Qin Xiangtian's Thunder God Fist came from?"

"I taught him!"


Just as Zhao Rong finished speaking, she struck the weak point of the Thunder God Sword, sending Lin Bai flying. He landed ten meters away, spitting out blood!

With such formidable skills and claiming she taught Qin Xiangtian the Thunder God Fist, Zhao Rong's background must be extraordinary.

The Five Poisons Immortal Palm that Zhao Rong just used was at least of the Mysterious Level Nine grade. Otherwise, it wouldn't have had such incredible power!

Lin Bai was gravely injured.

Zhao Rong sneered: "Now I will destroy your Dantian and torment you for a hundred years. You will wish for death but cannot die!"

Zhao Rong lunged, aiming a palm strike right at Lin Bai's abdomen.

"Hehe, you have celebrated too early."

"Dragon Emperor's Divine Dragon Arm!"

From Lin Bai's arms, a burst of golden light emerged, followed by a roar of a dragon that shook the entire area.


"Divine Dragon Arm!"

Lin Bai leaped up, his arms bathed in golden light, delivering a punch.

As his fist fell, a gold dragon illusion baring its fangs and claws appeared. The majesty of the King of Wild Beasts stomped on all directions, shaking the universe, vowing to annihilate all the injustices in the world under its rage!


Zhao Rong suddenly felt a shadow of death and quickly dodged to retreat.

"Five Poisons Immortal Palm, Sixth Form, Five Poisons Devouring Soul!"

Aiming to withstand the power of the Divine Dragon Arm, Zhao Rong released a palm strike.

But, the Divine Dragon Arm was a divine technique that a sage from Suppressing Dragon Clan had understood after thousands of years of painstaking cultivation. How could this Mysterious Level Nine Five Poisons Immortal Palm compare to it?

Five Poisons were mere mortal objects, and the True Dragon Clan were Kings of the Wild Beasts!


The Divine Dragon Arm shattered all of Zhao Rong's attacks, shattering her left shoulder, throwing her onto the ground, screaming continuously.

"Die!" Lin Bai, seeing his attack hit, gave Zhao Rong no chance to catch her breath. He rushed up with his sword, ready to end Zhao Rong's life.

"Even if I die, I'll drag someone to be buried with me!"

With a ruthless look in her eyes, Zhao Rong gave Tiehai Tang a hard kick down the Leize, "Hahaha, go to Hell and be this pair of star-crossed lovers!"


Lin Bai cried out in alarm.

Seizing this opportunity, Zhao Rong turned around and leaped into the forest.

Zhao Rong already knew that she was no match for Lin Bai at this time. She had to run away and look for a better opportunity to take her revenge on Lin Bai!

Now, Lin Bai had no time to go after Zhao Rong. Seeing Tiehai Tang falling into Leize, Lin Bai quickly ran over, without hesitation jumping into Leize to catch her.

In Leize, numerous thunderbolts fell on Lin Bai's body, causing intense pain that twisted his face.


Lin Bai shouted.

With one leap forward, Lin Bai found Tie Hai Tang, who seemed to have given up on life, submerged in swampy water.

"Come with me!" Lin Bai reached out to grab Tiehai Tang's hand, ready to leave.

But Tiehai Tang forcefully pulled away, releasing Lin Bai's hand, and yelled angrily, "Who asked you to come? Who let you manage my affairs? Get lost, I don't need you!"

"Can we head out before we start arguing?" Lin Bai said, "Don't you know how dangerous it is here?"

Tiehai Tang chuckled coldly, "What does my life and death have to do with you?"

"I am saving you." Lin Bai shouted angrily.

"I don't need you to save me, let me die! " Tiehai Tang's anger heightened as she spoke, her voice almost drowned out by the sound of thunderbolts.

"I really don't know what are you women thinking? Do you know where we are? We are in Leize, if we delay we will be in danger. Can't we talk about it after we get out?"

Lin Bai roared back in frustration.

"Get lost, if you want to leave, leave by yourself!" As Tiehai Tang was yelled at by Lin Bai, tears rolled down her cheeks like monsoon rain. It kept falling.

"Oh God!" Lin Bai scratched his head in frustration.


A thunderbolt was heading straight for Tiehai Tang's head!

Tiehai Tang didn't notice, but Lin Bai did. He quickly pulled Tiehai Tang into his arms.

The divine thunder fell on Lin Bai.

"Devouring Sword Soul! Devour it!"

The moment the divine thunder fell, the Devouring Sword Soul activated, and Lin Bai quickly absorbed the power of the thunderbolt into his body.

Devouring Sword Soul, there is nothing it can't devour, nothing it can't hack! It was supremely domineering!

But this action was a bad idea; the thunderbolts in Leize seemed to have been provoked. Instantaneously, all the thunderbolts came crashing down on Lin Bai!