Chapter 59: Battle of the Newcomers (Extra update! Please add to favorites)

"Of course, it's true."

Ling Tianzi said with a laugh.

Lin Bai was overjoyed and immediately replied, "Alright, at the Outer Sect Disciples Ranking War in four months, I'll definitely take first place!"

"Within a year, I will undoubtedly become a core disciple!"

Lin Bai stated enthusiastically.

Ling Tianzi's origins were a mystery. From the day Lin Bai had seen the Leijue Sword Intent Picture, he had decided to take Ling Tianzi as his master.

Moreover, Lin Bai was very confident about the Outer Sect Disciples Ranking War in four months.

With four months of time, if Lin Bai put in a bit of effort and improved his cultivation, and practiced a few more Dragon Power Sword Qi, taking first place shouldn't be difficult.

As for becoming a core disciple, he would need to consider that after Lin Bai entered the Inner Gate.

"Three months from now, I will face Xiang Tianyi and Xu Zailong in a battle of life and death."