Chapter 192: Raksha Ghost Array

These dozen or so assassins were knocked flung away by Lin Bai's sword, landing hundreds of meters away, spitting up fresh blood.

Seeing this, Luo Qianqiu chuckled coldly, "The master who could defeat Lin Zi'er is indeed formidable."

"The more formidable one is still to come." Lin Bai gave a frigid grin, took a step forward, and charged towards Luo Qianqiu like lightning.

Since the battle had begun, Lin Bai never planned to let them depart alive.

"Humph, I'm afraid that your slim tricks won't be enough to deal with us, the Jade Raksha." Luo Qianqiu sneered.

"Brothers, form the formation!"

Luo Qianqiu exclaimed in alarm.

"Yes, Senior Brother."

The other dozen or so people swiftly rose from the ground and, like ghosts, surrounded Lin Bai.

"Magic Circle! Raksha Ghost Array!"

Lin Bai was startled, feeling an icy aura envelop him.

Luo Qianqiu sneered and merged into the Magic Circle.