Chapter 253: Descendants of Kings and Nobles

Lin Bai kept a low profile, not rushing in recklessly.

At that moment, Lin Bai figured out that this was likely not the exit of this passageway, but rather the original heart of where it should lead.

This place was heavily guarded with the tiger and wolf-like Qi Family Army standing guard. There must be secrets hidden within.

Otherwise, was the Qi Wangfu built this secret base out of sheer boredom?

"Qi Fang, have all the people been secured?"

Just as Lin Bai was observing the Qi Family Army from the shadows, a man's calm voice echoed through the dark passageway.

"The young master can rest assured that all the people have been secured. We have captured all the princes and nobles of the Shenwu Kingdom. I wonder if those old bastards still dare to disobey us, the Qi Wangfu."

Another voice, tinged with amusement, responded.

"That's Qi Rui's voice." Lin Bai, hiding in the shadows, recognized the voice.