Chapter 306: A Desperate Struggle

Huo Shu made a solid bow and politely asked, "Young Sect Leader Sha Xing, my Treasure Pavilion has never had conflicts with your Frenzied Shark Sect. Could you, out of respect for the Treasure Pavilion, let us pass? Once I reach our destination, I will report to the Treasure Pavilion, and rewards will be delivered to you shortly."

Upon hearing Huo Shu's voice, Sha Xing laughed coldly, "Don't mention these hollow and meaningless words. Does this Old Master need your gifts? Everything I have, I stole it."

"Whether it be treasures or women."

"The things that are given, Old Master doesn't value them."

"Since you've all introduced yourselves, I'll give you a piece of face on behalf of the Treasure Pavilion. All of you, commit suicide. This is a favor from me to you."

Sha Xing laughed coldly.

Huo Shu's face darkened, and he said in a low voice, "Okay, it seems like a bloody battle is unavoidable."