Chapter 324: Which One Will You Choose?

Moreover, the Poison Dragon Island Master was the most advanced Warrior among those who had appeared on these five Floating Platforms, reaching the Heaven Martial Realm Seventh Layer!

The Warriors who had emerged on the other three Floating Platforms were all in the Heaven Martial Realm Fifth Layer, only the Poison Dragon Island Master was in the Heaven Martial Realm Seventh Layer, displaying formidable power.

"On the Fifth Floating Platform stands Sha Tongtian, the younger brother of the Frenzied Shark Sect Master!"

The crowd turned their eyes towards the Fifth Floating Platform.

There, a robust Strong Man stood with a malicious and cold smirk on his face. He wielded a huge saber resembling a shark's teeth, slashing left and right. All who stood before him were cut in half, a display of great power that stunned everyone from afar.

"Sha Tongtian is even more ruthless than his brother, enjoying the splitting people in half."