Chapter 329: Heavenly Spirit Pill

After introducing the five people on the floating platform, Hua Qinghai won the recognition of all the martial artists of the East Sea.

Just as these martial artists exclaimed.

This team, this line-up, could be considered the strongest in the entire East Sea.

Not to mention, Jin Qiu, Xue Jianke, Poison Dragon Island Master, Xiang Tian, and Lin Bai, these five working together could sweep all the powers in the entire East Sea.

Even if they encountered a martial artist of the Heaven Martial Realm Ninth Layer, the five of them working together could still put up a fight.

"Next, you five come with me. I will give you enough Heavenly Spirit Pills to advance your cultivation again, so that you can accomplish this mission in the best state," Hua Qinghai casually spoke.

A Heavenly Spirit Pill was worth One Million Spirit Stones.

Ten Heavenly Spirit Pills were worth ten million Spirit Stones.

One hundred Heavenly Spirit Pills were worth one hundred million Spirit Stones.