Chapter 347: Swallowing Memory (5th Update)

The sound of the Great Demon's voice was filled with an unusual sense of excitement, even bordering on madness.

"After so many years, so many years, I finally have a decent warrior entering."

"And he even possesses a Demonic Martial Soul. Fortune favors me."

"Little brother, up next, you will become my new body."

The Great Demon burst into insane laughter.

"What do you mean?" Lin Bai asked coldly.

"What I mean? You'll find out in a bit."

The Great Demon smirked sinisterly.

Suddenly at this moment, a startling and earth-shaking roar echoed from within the Chaotic Stone Array.

Lin Bai looked up to see from the center of the Chaotic Stone Array, below the entrance to the underworld, an incredibly horrifying black mist erupted like waves surging towards the sky.

The black mist swirled, shrouding the entire Chaotic Stone Array, as if an unparalleled Demon God resided within the black mist.