Chapter 353: City of Thousand Islands

City of Thousand Islands.

Late into the night, Sha Lang returned with a solemn face.

Hua Qinghai and the leaders of the other eight great clans all came over.

Hua Qinghai asked, "Sha Lang, I heard your Frenzied Shark Sect ran into some trouble."

Sha Lang sneered, "You all are quite well-informed. My Frenzied Shark Sect just had an incident, and you all already know about it."

The leader of the Dragon Gate Sect coldly said, "Cut the crap, in a tiny place like the City of Thousand Islands, we know about every little thing. Especially when a Frenzied Shark Sect ship full of corpses sailed into the harbor, how could we possibly not know about something as significant as this?"

Sha Lang snorted coldly, without uttering a word, simmering with murderous intent. Clearly, he was in a terrible mood.

In one month, both his son and younger brother had been brutally killed one after the other. Anybody would probably be downcast under such circumstances.