Chapter 387: City Destroying Bead! (20th update)

Lin Bai circled the square several times, carefully counting the number of Guard Army personnel. His face darkened significantly as he did.

The Guard Army stationed in this square numbered a full one hundred thousand.

That number was even greater than Lin Bai had initially estimated.

"Even a master of Divine Elixir Realm might not be able to cut through these hundred thousand soldiers to carve a bloody path," Lin Bai murmured to himself as he walked.

This was a real problem.

With such a massive army standing guard, how would Lin Bai manage to get in and destroy the City-Destroying Cannon?

Destroying the City-Destroying Cannon would certainly cause a great commotion. Once that happened, Lin Bai would be completely surrounded by the hundred-thousand-strong Guard Army. Even if Lin Bai could fly, it was doubtful that he'd be able to escape their barrage of bullets and artillery fire.