Chapter 394: Hejian City (27th Update)

In a room outside.

Chu Jiangliu excitedly said, "It's true. The Prince Consort struck down Tuoba Feng with a sword from a distance. That feat alone was an incredible demonstration of Shenwu Kingdom's might."

"Wow, the Prince Consort is really amazing."

"That's too amazing, able to strike Tuoba Feng through the Moon God Legion."

"Prince Chu, aren't you boasting? Is the Prince Consort really that powerful?"

"Li Daohen, is Lin Bai really that powerful?"

During the break in his healing, Chu Jiangliu told them some of the things that had been happening in the southern territory of Shenwu Kingdom.

Especially when he spoke of Lin Bai, Chu Jiangliu was spitting with excitement.

Under Jia Yueguan, Lin Bai fought five master hands of Shengyue Sect, and with a sword from a distance, struck Tuoba Feng amongst numerous soldiers.

That was truly unrivalled in the world.