Chapter 397: Consort Yun (Chapter 30)

"Your last breath," Lin Bai closed in with a cold voice.

"Feng, my boy, Feng, save me," Taifu cried in desperation.

Tuoba Feng clenched his teeth, his face filled with reluctance.

"Time's up," Lin Bai said coldly.

Upon hearing Lin Bai say that time had run out, Tuoba Feng's face slackened. He looked at the Shadow Transmission Compass and said, "Master, you sacrificed yourself for our country. Once I ascend the throne, I'll ensure you're honored with a grand burial."

"As for you, Lin Bai. Once I break through Jia Yueguan, your love and your family will die at my hand, and the manner of their death will be exceptionally brutal!"

"Five more days. After five days, I will reach Jia Yueguan. Then, you can come pick up the corpse of Bai Xiaoxiao!"

Lin Bai was infuriated, interpreting from Tuoba Feng's words that he intended to abandon Taifu.

"You won't succeed!" Lin Bai said angrily.