Chapter 409: Divine Power! Broken Sun! (42nd Update)

"Who is the true king!"

Tuoba Feng roared in anger, sending shockwaves in all directions, and jolting a hundred miles.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

The army of Dayue Kingdom, in high spirits, started chanting. The voices rose and fell, reverberating for a good while before slowly settling down.


Suddenly, at this moment, a light coughing sound rang out.

As the dust settled, beneath the gaze of thousands, a figure emerged from the smoke, face tranquil and airy, seemingly unperturbed.

Tuoba Feng watched, surprised, as Lin Bai walked out of the smoke, and said in astonishment, "You're unharmed?"

Lin Bai let out a faint smile, "Your spear technique is not bad, but it seems that you haven't quite mastered it yet. If you had, I might have suffered some injuries. But this mere preliminary stage of martial arts... well, it seems I've yet to take it seriously."

Lin Bai scoffed.

"Since I've accepted your three techniques, you should take a few of mine."