Chapter 412: Am I prettier, or is she prettier? (45th update)

Inside the commander's tent.

The First Princess hadn't left for three full days and nights, mobilizing her troop strength, quelling the turmoil in the Southern Region.

"If that's the case, then the bandits and thieves in the Southern Region will be dealt with by General Dan Fang and Zhang Shou. I can only give you a military force of five hundred thousand."

"Dan Fang, Zhang Shou, you two must wipe out the bandits and thieves as quickly as possible. If the military force is not enough, I will send more troops when I return to the Imperial Capital."

"As for the frontier defense, it will be left to Long Fei and the Ninth Imperial Uncle to secure. I will leave you a force of one million. Once I have stabilized the Imperial Capital, I will send an additional five million troops to the Southern Region."

The First Princess issued one military command after another.

Inside the tent, a middle-aged man in armor respectfully responded, "The subordinate obeys."