Chapter 434: Divine Alliance Declares War

She knocked away Su Cang's Sword Qi in one move.

Then, Lin Bai sheathed her sword and punched out, an imposing and heavy aura filling the space between heaven and earth.

"Tyrant Dragon Fist! Thousands of Dragons Devouring Heaven!"

Lin Bai's furious punch shattered all of Su Cang's defenses.

Su Cang was shocked, retreating three steps, his face filled with horror.

Su Cang felt the sheer force in this punch, almost terrifyingly great!

Simultaneously, Lin Bai shot upward, her Feng Lei Divine Wings instantly turning her into a waning shadow.


A slap heavily landed on Su Cang's face.

The crisp sound echoed in the ears of all the warriors present.

Su Cang's body was slapped away and he fell at the feet of the Grand Elder.

When Su Cang angrily stood up, his right cheek was terribly swollen, bearing the bright red mark of a handprint.


"I must be seeing things."