Chapter 442: Just how thick is the face of the Divine Alliance!

In the third floor.

18th Elder looked at Lin Bai with a cold smirk, sneering, "20th Elder and 19th Elder were both careless, they were defeated by a piece of trash like you."

Lin Bai responded icily, "Kneel and beg for mercy or die! Choose."

Licking his lips chillingly, the 18th Elder sneered back, "I choose to kill you!"

Suddenly, after his words, the 18th Elder transformed into a dark wind that swept across the entire third floor.

In the black wind, blades of wind came roaring.

"This is the 18th Elder's Black Evil Wind God Palm!"

"Black Evil Wind God Palm is an Earth Grade 8 martial art, the 18th Elder has mastered it to the proficient stage, it is extremely powerful."

"Lin Bai, be careful."

Both the Second Elder and Ji Bei warned him with worry in their voice.

"Cackling, little guy, go to hell!"

The black wind enveloped the world, swooping towards Lin Bai.

From the wind came the 18th Elder's chilling laughter, sounding like the roar of a demon god.