Chapter 447: Are You Trying to Show Off in Front of the Crowd?

A violent collision exploded, sending a tremor through the Martial Arts Stage.

A disheveled figure was seen flying backward, landing underneath the Martial Arts Stage.

"Who was thrown off?"

"Who lost?"

"Was it Lin Bai?"

"Hahaha, it must be Lin Bai who lost. Our Divine Alliance's Senior Brother Luo Qixiao is a master at the Heaven Martial Realm Seventh Layer. How could Lin Bai possibly stand a chance against him?"

The Warriors screamed in surprise, straining their eyes to see the result.

Underneath the Martial Arts Stage, the disheveled figure, just landing, quickly got up and leant onto the edge of the stage. He stared at the figure on the stage in disbelief and said, "No, no, no! How could I lose, how did I lose?"

As Luo Qixiao got up, everyone then saw who had been defeated.

First of all, the Warriors from the Divine Alliance exclaimed, "Impossible! How did Senior Brother Luo Qixiao lose his grip?"

"Yes, the Divine Alliance actually lost!"

"Luo Qixiao lost."