Chapter 466: The Path of Su Zhan and Su Cang!

Ten thousand miles away from the Spirit Sword Sect.

As swift as lightning, a flare fell into the woods, transforming into two men, one old, one young.

Su Zhan emerged from the flare, falling to the ground immediately. Vomiting fresh blood, he looked defeated with a shockingly pale face.

"Father, are you alright?" Su Cang hurriedly rushed to support Su Zhan.

"I'm fine, I just didn't expect Ling Tianzi's cultivation to be so formidable," Su Zhan's gaze was cold, he was deeply wary when thinking of Ling Tianzi.

Su Cang asked, "Father, what exactly is Ling Tianzi's background that he is even stronger than you?"

Su Zhan replied, "I don't know, his origins are extremely mysterious. A hundred years ago, he suddenly appeared at the Spirit Sword Sect with Li Shanqing, stating that he would reside there for a hundred years, and then leave."

"At the time, I was unwilling and thus fought him. In that fight, I realized I was completely outmatched; he was merely playing with me."