Chapter 483: No matter who comes, I'll defeat them with a single punch!

"Why is this happening?"

Lin Bai was incredibly surprised.

The moment Wang Yun threw his punch, his strength was almost comparable to the peak of the Heaven Martial Realm Ninth Layer.

However, the moment his punch landed, his strength returned to that of the Heaven Martial Realm Fourth Layer.

No martial artist would fluctuate in strength like this. If this truly was the case, then this person must be a monster!

"Hmm?" Su Jiannan was a bit surprised when he saw Wang Yun shattering Lijian Xing's Treasure Sword with a punch and gravely injuring him.

Su Jiannan thought that even if Wang Yun and Lijian Xing were martial artists of the same realm, Lijian Xing wouldn't lose so comprehensively.

Tang Tianhao laughed heartily at this moment: "Haha, Sect Leader Su Jiannan, my disciple has simply shown poor restraint and accidently injured your Spirit Sword Sect disciple a bit too seriously. My Shengyue Sect can offer some healing pills as an apology."