Chapter 485: Transference Martial Soul!

Wang Yun roared in fury, his punches erupted, and his roar echoed through heaven and earth.

This punch, like a hit from a god or devil, was unstoppable as it collided with Lin Bai's fist.

With a solemn expression, Lin Bai revealed the glow of his punch, equally formidable as it struck back.

"Tyrant Dragon Fist! Dragon Dominates the World!"


A sonorous and resounding dragon's roar echoed.

Lin Bai's punch seemed to contain the power of a Divine Dragon as it struck out.

With a clashing sound!

An astonishing scene unfolded.

Lin Bai's punch struck out, hitting Wang Yun's fist, instantly, Wang Yun was hit hard, his body flew backward, spurting mouthfuls of fresh blood across the air.

Wang Yun fell to the ground, continuously vomiting blood, his expression was defeated, his face was ashen.