Chapter 494: The Temple in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains

Just then, a gasp of astonishment swept through the massive army.

"Look, a sword is flying!"

"There is someone standing on the sword."

"That person is... the Sword Prince!"

"Oh my goodness, it truly is the Sword Prince. He's actually standing on the sword and flying."

Princess Chang and Chu Jiangliu heard the exclamations and looked up.

Overhead the massive army, a flying sword radiating golden light zipped by. It appeared from the rear end of the army and in a blink of an eye, stationed above Princess Chang and Chu Jiangliu.

"Your Highness, I will take my leave here, take care."

Standing on the flying sword, suspended in mid-air was Lin Bai, his gaze tenderly fixed on Princess Chang.

Princess Chang nodded, "You should get going."

Lin Bai nodded in agreement and with a step onto the flying sword, the sword sped off into the cloud-sky, disappearing on the horizon in a blink.

"Wow! That's so cool!"

"Damn, if only I could fly, that would be awesome."