Chapter 505: Are You That God of Hair?

"Since I'm here, she doesn't need to run. The ones who should be running are you."

Immediately after, a cold voice came from behind the Second Young Master of Yishan.

The Second Young Master of Yishan looked back in surprise to see Lin Bai standing ten steps behind him, a cold smirk on his face.

The Second Young Master of Yishan laughed, "Cut it out, who do you think you are barging in on a matter of the Yishan Family?"

Mengyun Xiang said to the Second Young Master of Yishan, "He's just a pursuer of mine. Second Young Master Yishan, please let him go. This matter is originally a dispute between Qi Mountain and the Yishan Family, why involve others?"

Upon hearing Mengyun Xiang stating that he was pursuing her, Lin Bai felt a bitter smile in his heart.

The Second Young Master of Yishan laughed, "Oh, he's chasing after Mengyun Xiang? You've got guts, kid, stepping forward at a time like this. Well, I'll be generous and let you become a couple of doomed lovebirds!"