Chapter 537: The Day of the Wedding

Lin Bai, along with Mengyun Chuan, rode their flying swords, breaking through the Cloud Sky, headed straight for Qi Mountain.

Today, Qi Mountain was abuzz, decorated with festive lights and unparalleled liveliness.

From within Qi Mountain, powerful warriors from all over the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains were coming and going. They all had arrived to congratulate Qin Hai on his marriage to Mengyun Xiang.

Lin Bai and Mengyun Chuan hid themselves, blending with the crowd.

Looking at the wedding square, Qin Hai, a man now aged over seventy, seemed rejuvenated, grinning and graciously greeting the guests.

"That old beast!" Mengyun Chuan saw Qin Hai and growled with unrestrained anger.

Lin Bai reassured, "Brother Meng, don't be hasty, we still don't know where Qin Hai is keeping Miss Mengyun Xiang. We can settle scores later once we rescue Miss Mengyun Xiang."

Mengyun Chuan suppressed his anger, he too knew that rescuing Mengyun Xiang was of utmost importance at this time.