Chapter 542: Ji Xiang and Ling Tianzi

Just then, Lin Bai saw the severely wounded Young Master Yishan. Without hesitation, he launched his ferocious flying sword towards Yishan.


The sword, radiating a bright aura, darted towards Yishan's throat.


Chen Deqi, pale with fear, moved in a flash to stand in front of Yishan.


The flying sword pierced right through Chen Deqi's heart. Blood splattered all over the scene.


Chen Deqi's blood smeared on Yishan's face, painting a ghastly picture.

Chen Deqi said, "Quick, leave. My old life means nothing. You still have your youth and future ahead of you. Go!"

"Father!" Yishan yelled in agony.


When Chen Deqi exhaled his last words, his breath grew weak and he died.

Yishan laid Chen Deqi down and sent a vicious glare toward Lin Bai. He muttered coldly, "Lin Bai, wait for me. I will return for you. After I've killed you, I'll go for your parents, your clan, and will exterminate your entire family, leaving nothing behind."