Chapter 550: Golden Sword Jade Book

Lin Bai took out the Golden Sword Jade Book and placed it on the table.

The disciple looked in horror at the Golden Sword Jade Book on the table.

Within the Famous Sword Manor, in all the seven hundred states of Lingdong, all warriors knew what it meant to be invited by the Famous Sword Manor.

It represented that this warrior possessed a celestial talent against the heavens.

It signified that this warrior's attainment in Sword Art was astounding.

It marked the genius at the pyramid's apex in the seven hundred states of Lingdong!

And at this year's Sword Discourse and Martial Arts Competition of the Famous Sword Manor, only three invitations were sent out.

One went to Feng Yunxiu, the current Crown Prince of the Fengyun Dynasty, owner of the Heaven Level First Grade Nine-element Sword Box, and a cultivator with the cultivation of the Great Perfection of the Half-Step Divine Pill Realm.