Chapter 563: Combined Sword Formation! Thousands of Stars Shining World Sword Formation!

Long Guihai coldly questioned: "This is your final warning. Will you surrender willingly, or shall we beat you half to death before dragging you to the Enforcement Hall?"

Lin Bai sneered: "Heh, I don't mean to boast, but truth is, even if you eighteen pieces of trash gang up on me, why should I, Lin Bai, be afraid?"

"Eighteen pieces of trash coming together, why should I be afraid!"

Lin Bai's roar, full of bravado, resonated in all directions, shocking everyone within a hundred miles.

The warriors in the audience turned pale upon hearing Lin Bai's words.

"What! He called the Eighteen Sword Masters of the Famous Sword Manor trash!"

"This man must be tired of living."

"Indeed, the eighteen Sword Masters are among the strongest young sword cultivators of our generation within the Famous Sword Manor. He dares call them trash. Can it be that he's stronger than all of them?"