Chapter 579: Sword Intention Transformed into Sword

The thirty-first step!

When Lin Bai stepped onto the thirty-first step, at this moment, the sword intentions on Sword Saint Mountain came in waves. They transformed into sharp swords in front of Lin Bai's eyes, slamming down.

"On the steps of the thirty-first step, sword intent has become a sword!"

"But what about that? You can't stop me!"

Lin Bai's eyes dimmed, and his sword intent spread out. His Silver War Body began to materialize.

Lin Bai held onto the unreal sword formed by sword intention and proceeded upwards, step by step.

"The endpoint of the first-order Sword Intent should be these thirty steps of Sword Intent!"

"And with my mid-stage second-order Sword Intent, I should easily be able to reach the seventieth or so step!"

"If I go further up, I'll need to use True Qi and my physical body to resist the Sword Intent and walk upwards."

When Lin Bai was rapidly stepping upwards, he divided the power of Sword Intent on Sword Saint Mountain.