Chapter 599: Falling of the Stars!

Long Guihai's face was flushed red with anger. That the eighteen of them could not do anything to Lin Bai was indeed a great disgrace for the eighteen Sword Masters.

"Senior Brother Long, deploy the sword formation!" Su Xingmang urgently yelled.

"Senior Brother Long, use the sword formation. We must defeat this person, otherwise, our Famous Sword Manor will lose face."

"Yes, all eighteen of us together, yet we can't handle a mere middle-stage warrior of the Half-Step Divine Pill Realm, isn't it a joke for people under heaven?"

The other Sword Masters also voiced their opinions.

Lin Bai laughed, "Don't hesitate, Long Guihai, come on, Sword Formation."

Long Guihai narrowed his eyes, his sharp gaze glittering within his eye sockets.

"Thousands of Stars Shining World Sword Formation!"

Long Guihai roared out loud.


The eighteen Sword Masters moved together, condensing all their True Qi into one.