Chapter 641: Fire Dragon Burning Heaven Fist

As soon as Lin Bai had familiarized himself with the rest of the warriors, he was immediately attacked by a horrific flame power.

"Lin Bai, your life ends here!"


A formidable Flame Giant Handprint bombarded him. The terrifying Fierce Flames, akin to the Burning Sky, struck Lin Bai.

With a flash in his eyes, Lin Bai swiftly dodged to the side. The Flame Giant Handprint hit the stone wall behind him, scorching it black!

Lin Bai looked determinedly at his attacker. As it turned out, it was the Fire Spirit.

Previously on the Southern Battlefield, Lin Bai had issues with the Fire Spirit. The Fire Spirit had once joined forces with Wu Jian to subdue Lin Bai but was defeated by Lin Bai instead, causing resentment in his heart.