Chapter 644: Blood Prison Thousand Shadow Kill!

At the high seat, Zhao Longtu frowned. The two promising disciples he had just taken note of were now dead. This displeased Zhao Longtu.

"Although this lad is quite impressive, he exudes too much repressive energy. If he does not rein it in, sooner or later, it will be his undoing!"

Zhao Longtu looked somewhat displeased at Lin Bai and turned his gaze towards Qingtian Mountain.

If Lin Bai had heard this, he would certainly be surprised. As these were the exact same words once spoken by the owner of the village, Jian Qianqiu.

He claimed Lin Bai's demeanor was too repressive and if not reined in, there would be repercussions one day!

Huo Lingtian gritted his teeth in fury, glaring fiercely at Lin Bai on the mural.

"My heavens. Lin Bai killed all the geniuses of the Fire Palace single-handedly."

"Shocking, shocking, this is absolutely bloody ridiculous. He took on all the geniuses of the Fire Palace by himself."