Remembering You, Part 2

[Warning: Sexual themes explored]

He looked down to me, stunned, sporting a lovely shade of red. He was so rigid, and it almost looked like he was afraid of me to touch him. But my arms kept to straddling his person, hands locked on the edging stones. I guess I was waiting for him to make a move, though it looked like I would have to ease him into accepting his attraction towards me.

It was a bold move. After all, I wasn't 100% certain he actually felt the same of me, basing my assumptions on his prior reactions. However, I've never seemed to misplace my accuracy on reading humans. But Eren wasn't entirely human, now was he? Nevertheless, I inched into his face, closed my eyes, and expected him to brace for a kiss. Instead, I felt a needless thrashing, and like a slippery fish, he dipped into the water, popping his head out from behind me.

Sigh. I never did enjoy the game of cat and mouse, and I gradually felt myself chasing this coward. I veered to him, the water from his throat forcing his fist into his chest repeatedly. I crossed my arms, craning my head with an irked expression plastered on my face. "Was that truly necessary?"

He vigorously rubbed his cheek, his lips trembling. "I… I think I might have touched your balls."

I stifled a smile.

"Levi, I—I s-should really get going. It's getting late."

"Right. Best you leave. That would be convenient, just like your mindless rage… "

He turned to me, his wide eyes lost by my words.

"You heard me clearly, Yeager. You put up this front of fearlessness and bravery. Yet truthfully, you act like a five year old child; undisciplined, disruptive, and reckless. How many times should you fail before your actions speak louder than your words? All of those threats of slaying each and every callous titan, when you can't even control your own emotions?"

He glared me down, speechless.

"Or own up to them." I paused, looking up to him flatly. He seemed embarrassed, and surely he knew there was some truth in what I had said. But I must have triggered something, for he suddenly approached me as if ready to fight. Eren took my shoulders, his voice deep and stern,

"I know I'm not perfect, but I know what I said, and I meant it. I WILL wipe out every last one of them! You can count on it! I don't have time to worry about my actions, if they're right or wrong. As long as I get the job done, then they're right to me! So call me reckless, call me stupidly daring! As long as I come back alive to fight another day, then I'm fine with it! I don't need you looking after me; I can fend for myself!"

"Fend for yourself?"

"I can!"

"So, you don't need me then?"

"You heard me!"

"Is that so?"

He grew angrier, thrusting me into the brim of the pool, his grip close to my neck. "Maybe if you'd stop treating me like a child, you'll see that I'm better off without you!"

I grinned, replying, "You're lying through your teeth. Maybe I should knock them out aga—"

He shushed me, his tongue slipping between my shrewd lips. It was sudden, unanticipated. But I returned his kiss, our entangled breaths emitting hot moans and grunts as our mouths enraptured each other. It was satisfying, pleasurably passionate. I couldn't deny the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he cradled my face in one hand, and ventured my body with the other. I got chills, subduing to his tracing fingers down my chest, and over my side.

Overzealous, I wanted more than I could take from the moment. I snatched his waist, pinning out bodies even closer together as his soft lips suckled up my neck. I would cater to him in kind, scooping my hands under his bottom and arching him against my growing girth.

It was pure ecstasy—his touch, his warmth, his taste, until the scent of dread forced my eyes snap open to the red spreading between us. His blood splattered on my chest, its endless gushing spewing out from his torso. Struck, I released him, looking up to a rotting crater of his former face.

I gasped, surging up from my bed, my body doused with terror and sweat. The image of his face swarming with flies and filth engraved itself in my thoughts, still painfully visible as I slipped my eyes shut. A dream? There was no mistaking that, although, it was more so a nightmare than anything else.

I peeled my eyes open to the morning light peeping into my bedroom, a sharp knocking on my door soon to follow.

Her voice couldn't get me out of bed, continually calling out my name as if there were a fire. I ignored it, and her response, a firm tackle into my door like a mad woman.

"Levi! What the hell!" She approached me, hands pinned to her hips. "Have you suddenly grown deaf or something?! Did you not hear me breaking down your door?!"

"Like a thunderous storm of hungry, hungry, hippos," I jested, my face screaming smartass. Surprisingly, she didn't snap me a comeback, my wife instead dragging me out of bed by rummaging through my closet.

Yes, my closet. After all, we did have separate bedrooms…

"We're going to be late for the funeral! Hurry up and get ready!"

My face suddenly sulked. I caught the ensemble she tossed in my hands, looking down at the black blazer with grief. "Sure, Hange… "