My Little Skimpy Waitress

I scratched my head at the verdict while I walked out of the courthouse—guilty, fifty years, no chance of parole. Hmph, what a bunch of piss-asses. Of course, I had given my statement, rejected by faint sneers of ridicule from the crowd, and a scornful judge at the bench. It was an inevitable loss, Armin so readily accepting he was done for. Why did I bother, right? Maybe I should have just sat there and looked pretty like Mikasa. Yes, she was there, keeping her eyes on programmed, conditioned Armin. According to him, she paid him no additional visits, but he refused to announce her leverage on him. I couldn't fight her on my own, not like this, weaponless. So back there, there was nothing more I could have done for Armin.

I knew I shouldn't feel shamefaced for it. It wasn't like I needed to prove his innocence, yet the stress from my men in the courtroom kept on me like a massive paper weight. After all, I did fight with the kid… I also fought side by side with Mikasa. She never looked at me. Not once. But I kept my cold glare on her, never thinning away. She was rigid, unyielding—the bitch tried so hard to blend in that she popped out of the assembly. I didn't bother pursuing her after dismissal, and knowing her, she would have had jetted at the first motion of me approaching her.

Anyway, I was more focused on escaping reality, even for just a couple of minutes. The park bench across the courthouse suited me just fine. So I plopped down and watched the attendees disperse down the stone stairway, and onto the sun-paved sidewalk. The shade from a tree overhead casted its shadow as I reclined, and with a passive sigh, I closed my eyes.

This map, a mesh of broken patterns and unlinked processes soon became the world I lived in. Nothing was making any sense, and whenever I tried retracing my steps, I got lost from disconnection. Those faint spells, they didn't seem so, coincidental. If only I knew what triggered them…

"Aye, Levi! Are you going to make an order?"

I snapped my eyes open, a peach faced Eren hovering over my table. Dazed, I scanned the room, the realization of my situation not so apparent. With a newspaper cradled in my hands, I looked down at the date, my eyes squinting hard. A dumfounded expression drooped my face, before Eren slammed his hand on the round table in front of me.

He asked me again, "Are you going to make an order or what?! You're not my only customer, you know." So feisty, glowering at me with his order pad eager.

I gave him a deadpan look, my eyes strolling him up and down. It was an interesting ensemble; the lace coffee maid's apron, the white headband, even the cutesy gloves. And it appeared he was cladless underneath. I chuckled to myself; Eren did always have smooth lady legs, and an ass to match.

Sure, I'd play along.

He suddenly leaned into me, whispering, "Levi, I know this is your dream and all but why do you have me wearing this skimpy outfit?!"

"Heh, I guess I'm feeling tasteful this morning."

He took a seat across from me, continuing, "You know, I've been thinking a lot about you, Levi. When will I see you again?"

"In here? If not, that's awfully despondent of you."

"Hmm, I guess you're right." He smiled, perching his head up with an elbow on the table. Eren looked out the adjacent windowed wall, the commune bright and busy. I gazed along with him briefly, then veered back to the table where a mug of hot coffee awaited me. The tailored music in the coffee shop slowly faded, a quietness creeping over us.

I looked down at the steaming cup of black and furrowed my brows. "I never wanted you to just be a memory, Eren. I never wanted to keep you at arm's length. It's just, it's not like I didn't care for Hange. I just couldn't choose between you two. I cared for you both. But it felt as if I was harboring this hate for my wife whenever I was with you. I was blaming her for not being able to be with you, Eren. I didn't want that."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Levi."

"I feel like I owe you an explanation." I paused. "I will find the criminal responsible for your murder. I will bring Mikasa to justice."

"You know I worry about you Levi. Sometimes I think you're so bent on something that you are blinded by what's in front of you."

"I know who my target is, Eren." I took a sip.

"How are you so certain she's the one?"

"She knew of our affair, she was resentful towards me, and she made no effort in joining those who grieved your death. Not to mention she framed Armin when he got too close to the truth."

"And what is the truth?"

"That woman was puppy-sick for you Eren, and you were so oblivious to it. Her jealousy turned her into a killer."

"Are you sure it's me she's after?"