Chapter 9 Catching Pheasants to Make Money

Every time Yu Mei thought about the requests that Ling Feng might make, her heartbeat quickened. What would she do if Ling Feng really asked to get intimate with her?

Just as Yu Mei agonized over what to do, Ling Feng turned around and left.

"Yu Mei, I'll head back first. You should go home quickly too! Call me if there's anything."

Watching Ling Feng's retreating figure, Yu Mei stood stunned. Ling Feng didn't stay, nor did he ask her to do anything.

Could it be that her guess was wrong?

For some reason, Yu Mei felt an emptiness within. Although the debt was now on Ling Feng's shoulders, she couldn't feel happy about it at all.

Upon returning to his clinic, Ling Feng slumped into a chair and fell into deep thought.

Fifty thousand yuan is not a small sum for rural people. Ling Feng only had about twenty thousand yuan himself, and he would need to come up with another thirty thousand to repay the fifty thousand.

But how was he going to get this thirty thousand?

Should he borrow money?

Ling Feng immediately dismissed this thought. Most people in his village were poor, and the few rich families were notoriously tight-fisted. There was no hope of borrowing money from them.

If borrowing money wasn't an option, then the only solution was to find a way to make money.

But what could possibly bring in thirty thousand yuan in just a week?

After much consideration, Ling Feng could only think of one way—the village's new female Village Chief, Li Shiyun!

Aside from a few wealthy families, only this newly appointed female Village Chief had the capability to put forth such a sum.

Being so young and already serving as a village chief in their village, no one would believe that the Li Shiyun family didn't have some influence behind them—if they were a fool.

Besides, the clothes Li Shiyun wore were all designer labels, especially the watch on her wrist.

Although Ling Feng was not familiar with watches, he recognized the brand of the watch—Omega. It was a well-known brand where a single watch could cost tens of thousands; the expensive ones could even cost over a hundred thousand!

If she could afford such an expensive designer watch, then Li Shiyun could surely spare thirty thousand yuan easily.

Thinking this, Ling Feng made up his mind. Li Shiyun still owed him a favor. If necessary, he could use this favor as a condition to borrow money from her, intending to pay her back after a while.

With the problem seemingly solved, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stretched languidly, and went into the inner bedroom to prepare for bed.

No sooner had he lain down than he smelled a fragrance that belonged uniquely to a woman, unsure whether it lingered from Wang Yan or Yu Mei.

Basking in the intoxicating scent, Ling Feng's face was filled with bewilderment and his heart began to fill with regret.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have let Wang Yan leave. It would have been so much better to keep her here. Then he wouldn't have to spend the night alone, struggling to sleep.

The night passed, and the next morning, Ling Feng hurriedly ate something and went to the village committee to find Li Shiyun.

Halfway there, he saw a young village lad named Xiao Long carrying a dead chicken with great excitement, heading home. Ling Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Long, where did you get that chicken from?"

Xiao Long came from a poor household, one that didn't usually have chicken to eat except during festivals.

"Heh heh, I found this pheasant on the mountain. One of them had a wounded wing. I managed to kill it with a stone!" Xiao Long declared proudly.

Hearing this, Ling Feng's eyes lit up: "Pheasants from the mountain? Are there many of them?"

"There are plenty, but they're too hard to catch!" Xiao Long shook his head, "And those pheasants are all over at Luanshigang, you could easily fall and get hurt if you're not careful. Catching those pheasants is tough!"

"Haha, that's true, pheasants are not easy to catch. Xiao Long, you should hurry home, have some chicken to beef yourself up, look how skinny you are!" Ling Feng laughed.

After Xiao Long left, Ling Feng pondered for a few seconds on the spot, then turned around and went back to the clinic.

It's true that pheasants are hard to catch, but that's only for ordinary people. For someone as agile as Ling Feng, it might not be impossible to catch them!

Ling Feng had already made up his mind, since there were pheasants to catch, there was no need for him to go borrow money from Li Shiyun.

For one thing, borrowed money had to be repaid, and for another, doing so would mean losing one of the conditions Li Shiyun had agreed to.

Li Shiyun was so beautiful and well-shaped, Ling Feng did fancy taking some advantage for himself.

Although he couldn't lay his hands on her, taking a little advantage would be enough to boast to everyone; to say that he had taken advantage of the dignified female Village Chief was excitedly brag-worthy!

Returning to the clinic, Ling Feng scrounged around in the storeroom in the backyard and found a large bamboo basket.

He also took some corn kernels, packed them into a plastic bag, and went up the mountain.

Reaching the back mountain, Ling Feng headed straight for Luanshigang as Xiao Long had directed.

Ling Feng rarely visited here; had it not been Xiao Long's mention, he wouldn't have known there were so many pheasants around.

Upon arriving at Luanshigang, before Ling Feng had even set down the basket, he saw several pheasants fluttering about nearby.

The pheasants were not afraid of seeing people because the terrain at Luanshigang was treacherous. Ordinary people had to tread carefully and had no chance of catching the pheasants.

Ling Feng's eyes gleamed, seeing each pheasant as a stack of cash!

The wealthy people in town were tired of farm-raised chickens; they all wanted wild game. Assuming he could sell the pheasants, he was sure they wouldn't come cheap!

Ling Feng scoped out the area and found a relatively flat spot to scatter some corn kernels. He then stood nearby, waiting with the large bamboo basket at his side.

It seemed the pheasants smelled the corn; they started flying towards the scent from afar.

However, seeing a person nearby, the pheasants hesitated to approach, instead hovering and eyeing Ling Feng warily.

Ling Feng stood still, playing the part of a statue.

A few minutes later, seeing no movement from Ling Feng, the pheasants grew braver, and two of them took the lead, hopping onto a large rock and beginning to feast with relish.

Watching those two enjoy their meal, the rest of the pheasants couldn't resist any longer; they flapped their wings, swooping in one after another.

Soon, all the pheasants were on the rock picking at the corn.

Witnessing this scene, a smile spread across Ling Feng's face; then suddenly, he sprung into action. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the flock, slamming the basket down over them!

In an instant, the pheasants were captured, trapped in the basket, unable to break free no matter how they fluttered their wings.

Once they tired from fluttering, Ling Feng covered the basket with its lid, having caught five pheasants in one go!

Looking at the still struggling pheasants in the large basket, Ling Feng's face brimmed with excitement.

Each pheasant should fetch at least two hundred, so five pheasants equaled a thousand bucks!

If he was diligent in the next few days, catching more pheasants, it wasn't impossible to earn the thirty thousand!