Chapter 13: Is it you?

Watching the Village Chief walk away, Ling Feng chuckled, knowing she was just speaking out of anger and that she would come back in a couple of days when her cold symptoms flared up again.

He casually closed the door, glanced at the time and saw it was already seven in the evening, and if Wang Yan hadn't come by now, it meant she wouldn't be coming tonight.

The villagers were accustomed to going to bed early, and in a little while, all the lights in the village would be out.

Although Ling Feng felt a bit disappointed, he wasn't in a hurry. The communication last time had gone almost well, and to bed Wang Yan, all he needed was the right opportunity.

He tidied up, preparing to go to bed, but when he entered the inner room, he discovered a delicate leather wallet on the floor. He quickly picked it up.

Without looking, he knew it belonged to Li Shiyun, but Ling Feng was still curious, so he opened it and took a peek inside.

The wallet was small, with only a few bank cards and an ID card inside, and just a few hundred yuan in cash.

"So the Village Chief doesn't carry much money on her, good thing I didn't go to her to scrape together that money," Ling Feng muttered to himself.

After closing the wallet, he decided to return it to Li Shiyun right away.

Because he had to get up early the next morning to take pheasants to the county town and he didn't know when he would be back, what if she needed it urgently?

Upon leaving the house, Ling Feng walked through the night towards the village committee office.

The village committee office was a row of bungalows, one of which still had lights on; clearly, Li Shiyun hadn't gone to bed yet.

When Ling Feng arrived at the gate outside the courtyard, he found the iron gate already locked. It obviously wasn't appropriate to shout for the Village Chief at this time. If the neighbors heard, they might start to imagine things!

So, after a moment of hesitation, he climbed over the wall and walked towards the house with the lights on.

The light shone through the curtains. Li Shiyun lived alone here and took her privacy very seriously.

Ling Feng got to the door, about to knock, fearing his sudden arrival would scare the person inside, so he quietly moved to the window.

There indeed was a gap in the curtains; he bent down to take a look, thinking that if the Village Chief hadn't gone to bed yet, he would call her out. If she was already asleep, he would leave the wallet at the door so she would see it when she got up in the morning.

However, what he hadn't expected was that when he looked through the gap in the curtains into the room, his eyes widened in shock!

Inside, Li Shiyun had stripped off her clothes and was bathing in a large basin on the floor!

Though the wooden basin was somewhat high, obscuring everything below her shoulders, Ling Feng still felt his mouth go dry and his heart beat faster.

"Didn't expect this bonus!"

He licked his lips, thinking that his trip today was really worth it!

Unable to see now didn't mean he wouldn't be able to when she got out of the bath. Shouldn't he have a clear view when she stepped out of the basin?

Thinking about it, Ling Feng felt a thrill of excitement, as if his body was about to explode.

While he was agitated outside, Li Shiyun inside was completely unaware, slowly pouring water over herself, her expression somewhat vacant.

Her hair was tied up high, her profile facing the window. She looked like a painting, extremely beautiful!

Ling Feng was mesmerized by some inexplicable holy light on her face. Although he knew that peeping at her like this was very rude, he couldn't bear to look away.

Time passed slowly, and it was unclear how much time went by when Li Shiyun suddenly stopped her movements.

At her pause, Ling Feng almost stopped breathing outside.

The long-awaited scene was about to unfold, and he didn't dare blink.

Unfortunately, at that moment, the light in the room suddenly went out!


Ling Feng was so frustrated. Why would there be a power outage at such a crucial moment!

He carelessly let out a loud exclamation, and immediately Li Shiyun's panicked voice came from inside, "Who?"

Ling Feng knew he was in trouble, so he turned and ran, using the speed he mastered while catching pheasants in the mountains; two seconds later, he had already scaled the wall and left the village committee office!

Maybe it was because he had a guilty conscience, but he didn't stop running the whole way, hurrying back home. Only after getting inside did he catch his breath and pat his chest.

"That was close, so lucky I wasn't discovered. Otherwise, what would Li Shiyun do to me if she knew it was me? Would she kill me?"

Remembering Li Shiyun's fierce look from earlier in the day, he mumbled to himself with some lingering fear.

After a while, his rapid heartbeat gradually calmed down, and Ling Feng pressed the switch in his house, realizing that indeed, there was a power outage.

The electrical infrastructure in the village was old, and now that the villagers had more appliances, power outages were common.

It was already so late today; he guessed the electrician wouldn't come to fix it and that it would have to wait until tomorrow.

Ling Feng inwardly sighed about his misfortune and, using his phone as a light source, found a candle to light. Then, he prepared to go to sleep in the back room.

But at that moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, startling him!

"Who is it?" Ling Feng asked.

"You haven't gone to bed yet, right? It's me!" Li Shiyun said from outside.

As soon as Ling Feng heard it was her, he was dumbfounded!

"No way, she came to my door? She knew it was me just because of one word I said?"

Thinking this, Ling Feng's voice even stammered a bit, "What, what do you want? It's so late!"

Li Shiyun outside fell silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "There's a power outage, and I'm scared. I think someone might have broken into my place just now."


Upon hearing her words, a lightbulb went off in Ling Feng's head!

So she wasn't here to settle scores with him, but rather, she couldn't bear to stay alone in the village committee office and had come over seeking help?

Now he was no longer nervous, and quickly stepped forward to open the door.

Li Shiyun entered, carrying a damp air about her, her body still trembling slightly. Seeing this, Ling Feng hurriedly found a blanket to drape over her.

"What happened?" he pretended to be ignorant and then asked.

Li Shiyun lifted her gaze to look at him, a glint of suspicion flickering in her eyes, "It wasn't you outside my window, was it?"

"What kind of joke is that? Why would I go to your place so late at night?" Ling Feng quickly defended himself.

"Really? Then why are you still awake at this hour?" Li Shiyun narrowed her eyes and asked.

Ling Feng was taken aback but quickly made up a lie, "Isn't that normal? I'm a person who loves learning; it's a long night, how can I waste time sleeping?"

He sounded righteous and convincing, but Li Shiyun still didn't believe him, scrutinizing him with her gaze, "There aren't many men in the village, and even fewer would dare to peep at me. Is it really not you?"

"It's really not me. Why would I peep at you? Haven't I seen enough during the day when treating your injuries?" Ling Feng defended himself convincingly, with a look of injustice.

But the words he used to defend himself led him into a trap, and Li Shiyun's expression changed as she snorted coldly, "Just as I thought, you were up to no good during the day!"


Ling Feng felt even with a hundred mouths, he couldn't clear himself and simply sat down on a chair, "Think whatever you want, if it comes down to it, just call the police and have me arrested!"

His response made Li Shiyun's suspicion of him dwindle a bit as she looked down and murmured to herself, "If it's not you, then who could it be?"

"Village Chief, are you not planning on sleeping tonight? Do you have to find that person?" Ling Feng asked.

"What are you implying?" Li Shiyun lifted her head to look at him, questioning.