Chapter 23: Reneging in Person?

On his way home, Ling Feng hummed a tune with such a light heart he could hardly contain his joy!

The 200,000 yuan in cash was in the trunk of the vehicle behind him, and every so often he couldn't resist turning back to take a look, afraid that it might accidentally be blown away by the wind or something.

If Li Shiyun saw this, she would definitely say that he was inexperienced; was he being too cautious over such a small sum of money?

But for Ling Feng right now, 200,000 yuan was a huge sum, and he had to pay extra attention to it.

Once he arrived in town, Ling Feng stopped the car and called Huamao.

"Who's this?" came a lazy voice from the other end of the phone.

"I've scrounged up the 50,000. Where are you?" Ling Feng asked.

"What the hell?" Huamao cursed then asked in a dubious tone, "You're not messing with me, are you? It's only been a few days, and you've already got 50,000?"