Chapter 43 Regretted

The call came from an unfamiliar number, Ling Feng answered and asked, "Who is this?"

"Old classmate, are you stuck in traffic or what? How come you're not here yet?" The other side was a languid male voice, tinged with a teasing tone.

Ling Feng was taken aback, "Sorry, I can't recognize your voice, who's this?"

"It's me, Wu Dahai. It's been a few years, can't you recognize my voice anymore?" The person on the other end asked with a laugh.

"Oh, it's you. It has indeed been a while. I really couldn't tell at first!" Ling Feng said with a laugh.

Wu Dahai was also one of his high school classmates. At the time, they sat in adjacent seats and had a reasonably good relationship.

Knowing it was him, Ling Feng immediately thought of Lan Fei, and then he remembered the plan they had made to meet up with everyone this weekend!

He had been a bit busy these past two days and had completely forgotten about it!