Chapter 58 I'm Staying at Your Place!

Two people stood at the edge of the field talking when a dark shadow dashed back from the mountains, none other than Wang Cai with a wild rabbit in its mouth.

Seeing Ling Feng there, it immediately stopped in its tracks, tilting its head in confusion.

"You go home and wait for me; I'll be right back!" Ling Feng called out.

Hearing this, Wang Cai took off, trotting back home.

"The vaccinations won't start until at least tomorrow; there's nothing interesting to see here. Come back to my place?" Ling Feng turned to look at Li Shiyun.

"Er, no, I think I'd better head back to the village committee office," Li Shiyun shook her head.

Ling Feng was puzzled. "Do you have things to do if you go back?"

"Yeah, there's still a lot of work to be dealt with. You think being Village Chief is easy?" Li Shiyun gave him a sidelong glance.

Ling Feng thought about it and then nodded, "Alright then."

The two parted ways at his doorstep and went on to attend to their respective errands.