Chapter 60 Oral Agreement

By this time, Chen Yuhe was completely bewildered as she stood outside the cage, looking at the wild rabbit that was nearly the size of an Earth Dog, dazed.

Ling Feng knew this would be the effect; anyone who saw the wild rabbit he raised would be flabbergasted.

He smiled, "Do you know what this is?"

"Rabbit, a rabbit?"

Chen Yuhe turned her head back, staring and asked in astonishment.

"Right, a wild rabbit!" Ling Feng said proudly.

"How did you raise them to grow so big?" Chen Yuhe was still in shock.

"That, my friend, is a secret!"

Ling Feng deliberately kept her in suspense, then pointed toward the distant cages, "Look over there, there's even more astonishing stuff!"

Chen Yuhe hurriedly stepped over, only to find herself staring wide-eyed at the gigantic pheasants.

These pheasants already had various colored feathers but, due to their increased size, those feathers had grown significantly, with the long tail feathers reaching over a meter in length!

"Oh my heavens!"