Chapter 62 The Embarrassment in the Car

Chen Yuhe had no idea how long it had been as she stared at the rain, lost in thought, but when she turned her head back, she saw Ling Feng looking at her and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just thinking that your profile is so beautiful!" Ling Feng's face turned red, rarely showing embarrassment as he realized he had been somewhat lost in his own behavior!

Chen Yuhe's cheeks also turned red, and she gave him a look, "What a thing to say, is my face not pretty from the front?"

"It is pretty, hehe," Ling Feng said with a sheepish laugh.

The downpour lightened for a moment but showed no signs of stopping completely, though the thunder had ceased.

Chen Yuhe took out her phone and glanced at it, "It's five o'clock now; what if the rain doesn't stop at all?"

"There's no other way; we'll just have to make do in the cave for the night," Ling Feng shrugged his shoulders.