Chapter 64 There's a wolf!

Ling Feng didn't expect such a strong reaction from him and smiled, "Don't be so agitated, man. I'm not saying I won't pay you. Your job here is done; take the money and head back home!"

While speaking, he took out a stack of cash from his pocket and handed it over.

Lao Du was reluctant to accept it, but he took the money nonetheless and turned his head to instruct the workers to start loading the vehicle. He didn't want to deal with Ling Feng any longer.

However, Ling Feng didn't want to end the conversation and called out to his retreating figure, "Lao Du, if I need to produce more in a while, you'll have to come help me again, and I'll pay you extra!"

"Knock it off. Are you so rich you can't spend it all? You've already spent almost ten thousand this time; you're thinking of a next time?" Lao Du turned around and glanced at him.

"Of course, this time was just a trial. I want to scale up in the future!" Ling Feng said with a laugh.