Chapter 73: The Agreement

Ling Feng's three-wheeler sped along incredibly fast, whipping through the air like lightning and arriving at the shop owner's place in just over half an hour.

Yang Guihua had just gotten out of bed and hadn't even had time to open the shop door when she was startled by a series of knocks.

"Who is it, knocking so early in the morning!"

She shouted irritably, quickly walked to the door, and pulled it open.

"Morning, boss lady!" Ling Feng greeted her with a smile.

Seeing it was him, Yang Guihua's annoyance disappeared and she asked with a smile, "So it's you. What are you doing here so early?"


Ling Feng let out a chuckle and patted the bed of his three-wheeler!

Yang Guihua's eyes immediately widened in surprise, "No way! Did you bring mushrooms? But I heard from that old man that there are wolves in the mountains and he's been too scared to go picking recently!"

"He's him, I'm me, is there a comparison?" Ling Feng said, raising his eyebrows.