Chapter 84: The Chen family in trouble


Soon, both maps were on Ling Feng's phone, but he knew it would be a hassle to view them on his device, so he decided to go to the print shop in town and print them out.

Seeing that the awkward moment from before had been tossed aside by both women, he asked with a smile, "Do either of you want to join me for a stroll in town?"

"No thanks, I already went last time, nothing interesting," Chen Yuhe said with a pout.

Mo Jiaolan also shook her head, "I won't go either, I have some paperwork to deal with later."

"All right, then I'll go by myself."

Ling Feng nodded and stepped out of the house, then started his electric tricycle and headed for town.

There weren't many people in the print shop; the bespectacled owner was dozing off in his chair and only opened his eyes when someone entered, asking, "What do you need?"

"I need to print two maps. Do you have larger sizes?" Ling Feng asked.

"What exactly are you trying to print?"

"A map."