Chapter 101: Spotting Clues

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Chen Gang looked up at him, a flash of disdain in his eyes, and he shook his head, saying, "That's none of your concern!"

Ling Feng was taken aback and couldn't help saying, "I'm just worried about Yuhe's safety and want to do my part!"

"What can you, a doctor, do? I appreciate your kindness, but this matter is more complicated than you think, so you better stay out of it!" Chen Gang said irritably, waving his hand.

Ling Feng fell silent, knowing that Chen Gang looked down on him, but still felt uncomfortable hearing those words!

At that moment, Mo Wen came over and said, "Old Chen, how can you say that? Divine Doctor Ling is also concerned for Yuhe's well-being!"

"Enough, no more talk. I've already arranged for people to inquire around the entire county town. I believe there will be news soon!" Chen Gang said impatiently.