Chapter 103: A Close Call Without Danger

Chen Gang's men no longer needed to act, some stayed to watch the fight while others rushed into the yard, quickly finding Chen Yuhe who was locked inside a van.

By the time she was helped back to the front yard, Ling Feng had already taken down all three men.

The crowd surged forward to tie up the men, and everyone began to give Ling Feng thumbs up, "Young man, well done!"

"We owe you a lot today!"

"Right, you took on what many of us combined couldn't handle, today you have truly made a great contribution!"

Ling Feng didn't take the praise to heart but just smiled and turned to walk towards Chen Yuhe.

The girl was obviously still in shock, currently crying in Chen Gang's arms.

However, as soon as Ling Feng approached, she immediately broke free from her father's embrace and threw herself into his, crying and trembling as she said, "I knew you would come to rescue me!"

"There, there, don't be afraid, it's all over now," Ling Feng said softly, holding her shoulders.