Chapter 129: Discovering Treasure

After spending some time together, Li Shiyun knew that Wang Cai was attuned to human nature.

It had overheard the conversation between the two just now, so it must be helping Ling Feng look for something right now!

Therefore, to not dampen Wang Cai's enthusiasm, she quickly stopped Ling Feng from speaking further.

And of course, Ling Feng understood what was happening; he was just making a joke to alleviate the tense atmosphere.

At this moment, the two had already squatted down, intently watching Wang Cai dig, completely losing track of time.

After what seemed like a long while, Li Shiyun couldn't help but nudge Ling Feng, whispering, "Do you think there's some treasure buried under here?"

"I think there is, this isn't the first time it has found something good!" Ling Feng nodded.

"Really? What else has it found before?"

Upon hearing this, Li Shiyun immediately asked.