Chapter 134 This is Not Over!

Luo Qianyu respected Luo Sihai quite a bit, so upon hearing what he said, she had no choice but to sit down, feeling indignant.

But she was still very angry, and thus spoke, "Uncle Sihai, this man is clearly doing this on purpose. He must know about our Luo Family. By acting in this way, he is blatantly challenging us!"

Luo Sihai looked at her, smiled, and then turned his head to look at Li Shiyun, "Village Chief Li, is there really no room for negotiation in this matter?"

Li Shiyun had been observing for a while, and at this moment, her expression hesitated slightly, and with a sense of helplessness, she said, "I'm very sorry, but I've already signed a contract on behalf of the village with Ling Feng; there's nothing I can do to help."

"Alright!" Luo Sihai nodded his head, looking at Ling Feng, "Mr. Ling, since you have the contract, let's make a deal. How about you transfer the contract to us?"