Chapter 132 The Grand Plan for Vegetable Gardening


It wasn't just the green onions; the other leafy vegetables in the field had also undergone significant changes, growing not only taller but also twice as big in leaf size.

Li Shiyun hugged Ling Feng's arm excitedly, "It's amazing, they've grown this much overnight, you're really going to make a fortune!"

"Growing big is just one aspect, try tasting this onion leaf, it's not spicy at all, and it's very fragrant!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Li Shiyun took only a small bite, then immediately nodded her head, "Mhm, it tastes very good, the quality of these vegetables has improved dramatically, they will definitely be popular in the market!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, earning money from selling vegetables was one aspect, but what he wanted to do now was to help Mo Jiaolan.

If all the dishes in the hotel were supplied exclusively with his super vegetables, would the customer flow increase?