Chapter 153 Mo Jiaolan's Confession

Zhang Lan looked at him a bit unexpectedly, her gaze filled with inquisitive meaning.

However, Ling Feng didn't plan to say any more, after all, she was from the Luo Family, and saying more was meaningless.

Seeing that he remained silent, Zhang Lan didn't ask further and focused on driving the car.

They traveled in silence to the county town, where Ling Feng got out of the car at the hotel entrance and turned to her, saying, "I'm off, thanks for the ride."

"Don't mention it," Zhang Lan nodded.

Watching his figure enter the hotel, Zhang Lan felt an unusual surge of emotion within her heart.

The aura that Ling Feng exuded was very distinct; she had seen men with strong presences before, but this young man was extraordinary.

It seemed as if there was a strange charm about him that irresistibly drew people to him!

While she was lost in thought, a burst of honking awakened her; her car was parked at the roadside, blocking the exit of the cars beside it.