Chapter 164 I Don't Mind!

Ling Feng hurried to explain, "That's not what I meant!"

He paused for a moment, then continued, "Starting from now, I'll keep my distance from those two!"

Li Shiyun was stunned!

She looked up at him seriously, "Really?"

"Of course, if you don't like it, I'll try to minimize my contact with them," said Ling Feng, nodding his head.

A trace of emotion flashed through her eyes, but then Li Shiyun suddenly said, "I was just asking, I don't mind it."


Ling Feng was suddenly mystified!

"I seem to have not heard clearly, what did you say?"

Li Shiyun snuggled in his arms, "I said I don't mind!"

"Why, why is that?" Ling Feng couldn't help asking.

"No reason, don't ask so many questions, you'll understand in the future," Li Shiyun said softly.

Ling Feng suddenly felt a bit unreal, as if he was dreaming.

He was about to ask again when Li Shiyun suddenly raised her head and took the initiative to offer a kiss.

However, just at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.