Chapter 174 This is Your Share

Xun Qianqian gave a thumbs-up after hearing the story, "Alright, you win!"

Seeing Ling Feng about to leave with a smile, she hurriedly asked, "You haven't said how much it could sell for yet!"

"About forty or fifty thousand, I guess. I'm sending it to a friend, and I'm not quite sure what price she'll give!" Ling Feng replied.

"Goodness, that's my dad's whole year's work right there!" Xun Qianqian exclaimed, clicking her tongue.

Ling Feng had grown accustomed to her straightforwardness and didn't comment further, just smiled and left.

After cleaning up a bit, he drove his tricycle away from home, heading first to the village committee office to find Li Shiyun, planning to take her with him to the county city.

Ling Feng's reasoning was not without purpose. Going alone to the county city to meet Mo Jiaolan and Chen Yuhe, even if she didn't express it outwardly, she would probably be jealous on the inside!